Platelet-Rich Plasma

The ultimate beauty elixir you already own.

Did you know?

When our body sustains an injury, blood platelets help to set the healing process in motion. For decades, Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) treatments have been used to hack this natural process and accelerate healing. By injecting the patient’s own blood platelets into the site of injury, damaged tissues are repaired and regenerated.

Active Ingredient Blood platelets (from patient’s blood)
Treatment Time 30-45 min.
Pain Level Moderate (3-7).
Numbing options are available.
Downtime None
Results (See below)

The regenerative power of PRP therapy has been proven to help address hair loss and age-related changes in skin quality. PRP is extracted from the patient’s own blood and as a result, there is virtually no risk of allergic reactions or side effects.

PRP for Hair Restoration

Containing at least 7 unique growth factors proven to stimulate hair growth, platelet-rich plasma is able to slow hair loss, increase hair density, and increase the thickness of individual hair follicles. It is especially useful in combating thinning of the hair and interrupting the process of balding.

  • The ideal candidate is one that is in the early stages of hair loss. As PRP can increase the amount of hairs in the treated area up to 30%, the more hairs you have to begin with, the greater increase you will have.

  • As multiple treatments are required for optimal results, we offer a treatment package of 4 sessions, each a month apart, followed by at least one maintenance treatment after 6 months.

  • Most patients report a visual increase in fine hair growth approximately 3 months after their 4th session. Many see results sooner as shedding decreases, while others require repeated treatments before visible results are seen.

  • PRP Hair treatment is suitable before or after a hair transplant. In fact, many transplant clinics recommend PRP therapy shortly before and after your procedure to get the best results from your transplant. Maintenance PRP treatments can help to ensure healthy transplanted follicles that grow out faster. PRP can also stimulate the growth of existing hair to help fill in the transplanted area.

PRP for ‘Crepey’ Skin

‘Crepey skin’ refers to the thin, papery appearance that areas of delicate skin (like the lower eyelids) often develop as we grow wiser. These areas can be tricky to address with treatments like dermal fillers. But thanks to the growth factors present in platelet-rich plasma, PRP injections are able to thicken the skin in these areas and provide a smoother, more youthful appearance.

Results are usually seen about a month after each skin treatment, although best results are after a series of 3 sessions, 6 weeks apart.